Relationship Smarts PLUS 5.0 Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA)


Relationship Smarts PLUS Sexual Risk Avoidance Adaptation (SRA) helps teens make healthy relationship, dating, and sexual decisions for themselves by focusing on their futures. It is a lively, media-infused and activity-based comprehensive healthy relationship skills and sexual risk avoidance program for young teens. The curriculum’s 13 lessons embody an innovative and integrated approach that addresses positive youth development, life skills, healthy relationships, communication/conflict management, dating violence, and sexual delay and risk avoidance.

What are Relationships Smarts PLUS SRA’s core messages?

Relationship Smarts PLUS SRA‘s core messages include the following:

  • Self-awareness: Past influences, strengths/weaknesses, setting goals, clarifying values and relationship expectations, maturity, friendships and peer pressure.
  • Developing healthy relationships: Attractions, building blocks of positive relationships, how to assess relationships, realistic love, low-risk dating, “deciding vs. sliding.”
  • Problems, warnings and dangerous relationships: Break-ups and broken hearts, unhealthy and abusive behaviors, ways to exit safely, boundaries, dating violence.
  • Communication and conflict: Danger signs, time outs, anger regulation, the Speaker-Listener Technique, problem-solving.
  • A “heart-based approach” to sexual decision-making: What intimacy means, defining meaningful contexts, discovering positives of sexual delay (not just avoiding risks)
  • Skills for sexual delay and risk avoidance: Myths and facts on STDs and pregnancy, risky situations, dealing with pressure, refusal skills, developing plans.
  • The Success Sequence: Becoming aware of the benefits of following the sequence of education, employment, marriage before having a child. Developing a personal success plan.
  • Social media: The impact of “constant connection,” sexting realities and risks, personal polices on using social media.