Empowering Tomorrow works with youth living in the eastern half of Connecticut (Hartford, Middlesex, Tolland, Windham and New London Counties). ETF educates populations in private and public schools, home schooled individuals, including runaway and homeless youth, and other vulnerable youth populations.
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1“Teen Dating Abuse 2009 Key Topline Findings.” Liz Claiborne Inc and The Family Fund, http://nomore.org/wpcontent/uploads/2014/12/ teen_dating_abuse_2009_key_topline_findings-1.pdf
2"What Does the Success Sequence Mean?" Institute for Family Studies, ifstufies.org/blog.what-does-the-success-sequence-mean. Accessed 6 July 2022.
3“Quick Facts 2021: SRA in America.” Ascend, weascend.org/resource/quick-facts-2021-sra-in-america/. Accessed 6 July 2022.